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Verge3D 1.0.5 for Blender

Verge3D 1.0.5 for Blender

We'd like to announce a fresh maintenance release of Verge3D mostly consisting of bug fixes. Changelog: Fixed export crash when animations have different number of keyframes in different channels. Improved visual appearance of bezier-based animations. Implemented 'offset' option for the 'object transform' puzzle. When this option is selected, current object…
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Verge3D 1.0.1 Update

Verge3D 1.0.1 Update

Just one week passed from the release of Verge3D 1.0, and here we are again with lots of new amazing features and, of course, bug fixes! Let's start with features: Blender's Fresnel shader node has been supported to allow for nicer material effects. We have significantly optimized export when packed textures…
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Verge3D 1.0 Released!

Verge3D 1.0 Released!

On behalf of the Soft8Soft team I'm excited to announce the first public release of the company's first product. Meet Verge3D - a complete software suite for creating interactive 3D Web applications! What's Verge3D Verge3D was conceived as a tool to facilitate the contemporary shift of most business activities into an online…
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