This maintenance update of Verge3D for Blender, 3ds Max and Maya fixes several bugs found in version 3.6. As a bonus, we also added a new puzzle to handle files dropped onto application window, and implemented some usability improvements and optimizations within the tools.
Drop File!
New puzzle drop file to is available. It allows users to drag a file from their computer and drop it onto the browser tab to be consumed by your application.

For example, this can be an image to be used as texture, a .csv file with some data or even a .glb file that can be displayed as scene. See the doc page for more info.

The demo Custom Image has been updated for using this feature. Try dropping some random image onto the picture frame!
Various App Manager usability improvements and bug fixes were implemented for this update. These include the following:
- The limit for files that are compressed with LZMA is raised from 256 Mb to 1024 Mb to allow you to compress very big scenes (such as imported from CADs or BIMs).
- When the External server interface is enabled in App Manager settings, this no longer freezes the App Manager. Also this feature is now actually disabled if turned off.
- Specifying External application directory now takes effect immediately without the need to restart the App Manager.
We also made the Puzzles editor load faster.
Fixed Issues
We fixed the critical issue with AR/VR related to recently released Chrome 88 for Android. This browser update handles WebXR initialization a bit differently.
Should the OpenType.js library not copied to the application folder, this no longer crashes the application. Instead an error is printed in the console and all texts are just displayed without fonts applied.
Preloader’s JavaScript callback is now called with 0% value. Before this update, this value was skipped.
We improved the rendering of environments in Chrome under macOS.
Sheen values > 1 are now allowed for Blender’s Principled BSDF node (thanks for the feedback).
4-channel controllers (Bezier RGBA Color, Bezier Point4, Color RGBA) now work again in 3ds Max (thanks for the report).
Perseverance Landing
On the other news, the Perseverance rover has successfully landed on Mars and sent back its first images! You might check out NASA’s Verge3D-based interactive app to learn more about this mission.

Get This Update
If you are affected by the above-mentioned issues, or want to leverage the introduced improvements, please upgrade your 3D web interactives with Verge3D 3.6.1. You can get it from the downloads page as usual.
This amazing software is perfect for content creators to showcase our interactive 3D artwork work on the web!!! When you have the time, can we get a hard copy of Verge 3D book. I have been searching for a Verge 3D book on Amazon for months and can’t find one. Thanks.
thank you! we’ll think about it!
Hi,firend,Verge3d is the best,Hope to launch C4d version!!!