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  • in reply to: object cannot be rendered out #75529

    Sounds like a simple flip normal, maybe?


    For future reference and others who may stumble upon this issue, in my case, the issue was the “www” used in the src of the iframe. It was causing the browser to prompt cross-origin issues somehow.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Brameister.
    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Brameister.
    in reply to: Affect elements outside of iFrame (Webflow) #75505

    Files can’t be uploaded to Webflow

    Hi guys, I’m no expert and I’m still figuring all of this out, but I might be able to help, if I understood your issue correctly.

    You indeed can’t upload files to a webpage builder per se, but you can upload files to the server actually hosting the site (I believe Webflow also provides web hosting services, apart from the builder tool). This also applies to Elementor and WordPress. They’re not web hosts, but page builders.

    However, you have to have a webpage host, right? That’s where you can access the server’s files.

    After going through the process of creating the interface on Webflow/Elementor, you have to export the code and place it in your local Verge3d app folder. Then you can build the puzzle logic, etc.

    After that, you need to place the entire app folder somewhere in the web host server, and then, back in Webflow/Elementor, you change the iframe’s src path to whereever your app.html file was placed on the server.

    Then, the UI built on Webflow/Elementor will interact with the Verge3D scene on the live website.

    Hope that helps!


    If your scene have several other objects except the cloned bars then it won’t work correctly if you click on one of those objects.

    Thanks for the input, kdv! There is only one original bar object, from which all of the clones are made. It’s the “starting bar” so to say and I also need it to be the active bar when it is clicked. So, I think it will work, right? But the notion of adding logic will certainly be extremely useful in the future.

    Thanks again to both of you V3D gurus!


    For future reference and other people that may struggle with this like I did, here’s what I came up with after Xeon’s awesome insight:


    It really amazes me how easy this is for you guys :-) I’m a huge fan of you and kdv!

    Thanks so much for the help, Xeon. Worked like a charm, so simple and sophisticated solution.

    in reply to: AI integration feature &/or capability in Verge #74879

    I might have an interesting application for AI:

    Consider a modular LED profile lighting system with a set of connections to link the profiles in different patterns, allowing the customer to customize the design, as shown in the attached image.

    Imagine if you could start off the application with a blank canvas, where the customer can scribble the shapes and designs he wants by hand (either with the mouse or drawing on the touchscreen with his finger).

    Then, an AI model interprets the directions and angles of the drawing and sets up the closest possible design with the 3D profile and connection models, which the client can further explore in a 3D scene.

    How would you guys go about starting to outline a project to make that work?

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    in reply to: [ GLIFTEK ] Plugin Pack: OBJECT MANAGEMENT #74867


    Worked perfectly. Thanks so much for your help kdv!

    in reply to: [ GLIFTEK ] Plugin Pack: OBJECT MANAGEMENT #74864

    But it won’t work with multi-material objects. Single meshes only. Some fixes needed.

    That was exactly the issue. Could there by any way around this?

    in reply to: [ GLIFTEK ] Plugin Pack: OBJECT MANAGEMENT #74855

    Hi GLIFTEK and anyone who can help.

    Is it not possible to rename a copied object?

    The issue I have here is that the “copy object” puzzle has a suffix input field, but it also adds another suffix to the object name.

    In your documentation, you show the following puzzle example:


    That would be ideal, however, if I try to copy that same object, the copied object name is “Cube_Copy.000”

    If I try to rename “Cube_Copy.000” to “Red_Cube”, it doesn’t work.

    Is there any way to remove that added “.000” suffix or any other way to rename the copied object?


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Brameister.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Brameister.
    in reply to: Clone object #74844

    I tried setting a variable to the clone and then snapped it to another object, but that made the cloned object scale up like 10x to 20x automatically. What did I miss here?

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    in reply to: Clone object #74837

    But what if I need to create more than one clone of the same object, but each clone has to be an individual and separate object, each of them with their own id?

    in reply to: Can’t Animate Light Scale/Size #72281

    Right on!

    I think I figured it out with your help. For anyone else that may encounter this problem, here’s the code I used in an Exec Script puzzle that worked for me:

    // Define a function to update LED widths
    function updateLEDWidths() {
    // Access the slider in the parent document
    var sliderValue = parent.document.getElementById(‘your_element_id’).value;

    // Map the slider value ([your range of slider values (e.g. 10 to 20)]) to the LED width ([range of Area Light X values (e.g 0.45 to 0.86)])
    var ledWidth = mapRange(sliderValue, 10, 20, 0.45, 0.86);

    // Update the width of each Area light
    var ledNames = [‘LED 1’, ‘LED 2’, ‘LED 3’, ‘LED 4’];
    ledNames.forEach(function(ledName) {
    // Assuming ‘app’ is your Verge3D app instance accessible in this context
    var led = app.scene.getObjectByName(ledName);
    if (led && led.isRectAreaLight) {
    led.width = ledWidth;

    // Helper function to map a value from one range to another
    function mapRange(value, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax) {
    return (value – inMin) * (outMax – outMin) / (inMax – inMin) + outMin;

    // Ensure this code runs after the Verge3D app is fully initialized
    // You might need to place this inside a function that’s called after app initialization

    // Add an event listener to the slider in the parent document to update LED widths on change
    parent.document.getElementById(your_element_id’).addEventListener(‘input’, updateLEDWidths);

    in reply to: Can’t Animate Light Scale/Size #72254

    I’m using area lights representing LED strips built into furniture. For example, when the furniture’s width changes, I need the lenghth of the area light to change accordingly

    in reply to: Problem with parenting to a vertex #71519

    Any update on this issue since then?

    I’m trying to do the same thing, parenting text to a single vertex of an object to move the text whenever the object is deformed via shape keys.

    However, I’m getting a lot of strange behaviors when trying it out on the engine. Sometimes the entire model itself won’t even load.

    Is there any way around this?

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