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  • in reply to: How to make the preloader visible #34286

    Hi Yuri, it didn’t, i checked the links you sent me but could not manage to make it work. basically I’m copying the whole preloader div block from the exported code and trying to post it in index.html. In the “MyProjectName.html” I paste it just after the full-screen button div and it works perfectly, but in the index.html, i don’t find the correct place to paste it to make it work.

    this is the index.html i have:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!--  This site was created in Webflow. http://www.webflow.com  -->
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    <html data-wf-page="5f5cad6f9d335b7dd79c7759" data-wf-site="5f5cad6f9d335b96d59c7758">
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      <title>Albert's Blank Site</title>
      <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
      <meta content="Webflow" name="generator">
      <link href="css/normalize.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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      <link href="css/alberts-blank-site-15283e.webflow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
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    and this is the preloader segment of the index.html exported from the preloader custom designed.

      <div class="div-block-5"></div>
      <div id="preloader_div" class="preloader_div">
        <div class="div-block-6">
          <div class="div-block4 w-clearfix">
            <div id="progress_bar" class="progressbar_div"></div>
            <div class="div-block-2"></div>
            <div id="percentage" class="text-block">0%</div>
        <div class="lowpanelcenter">
          <div class="div-block-3"></div>

    Please help me find the place to where I have to paste it or what do i have to do. I beg you xd

    Thank you

    in reply to: idex.html version vs custom.html #34226

    Yes correct, the white one is my custom one, and the black one is the verge3d. I followed the tutorial on your channel about how to change the preloader and I ended up with this issue that I don’t understand because I’m not used to making websites. I dont understand why in “myprojectnam.html” the preloader appears but not the footer icons and on the other hand in the idex.html the footer icons appear but the preloader doesn’t. Could I have a bit of an insight on how this works please?

    Thank you

    in reply to: idex.html version vs custom.html #34215

    Yes but not the custom preloader…

    in reply to: idex.html version vs custom.html #34205
    in reply to: Error exporting glTF #34191

    I think I made the problm worse, I ended up substituting the whole folder with a back up I did a few days ago but the problem now is that I did this back up with the trial version and now, althpugh I have the full version the watermark still appears. Any idea how to get it out?

    Thank you

    in reply to: limiting camera space #33346

    but from there I can only modify the velocity or the able/disable movement, there has to be a way of limiting the space where the camera can move around ain’t it?

    Thank you for your help mikhail

    in reply to: limit movement #33135

    Thank you for your response! unfortunately I can’t figure out how to do it neither of both… any example or tutorial I can follow?

    I’ve been trying with this (pic) but doesn’t work really.

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    in reply to: Object not visible #32947

    Thank you alexander for the support!

    in reply to: Object not visible #32898

    Sure, thank you for the help,

    I’ve deleted a couple of the metal wires doing tests but there’s still some left, is happening the same with the window frames and the ipads, I suppose it must be the same problem…

    Thank you!

    the scene (wetransfer):

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    in reply to: Object not visible #32852

    not exactly sure about what you mean sorry

    in reply to: embed video #32681

    Amazing! thank you so much yuri for thefast and super useful help you always give! makes me feel very happy to be working with verge!

    have a great day

    in reply to: sneak peek 3Ds MAX crash #32451

    sure! thank you!

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    in reply to: sneak peek 3Ds MAX crash #32448


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