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Home Forums General Questions Loading gLTF material


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  • #1576

    so it worked for you?

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    No :)


    The following code works for me:

    var geometry = new v3d.TorusGeometry();
    var torus = new v3d.Mesh(geometry);
    var mat = v3d.SceneUtils.getMaterialByName(v3dApp, "MyMaterial");
    torus.material = mat;

    I used a simple colored default material created in Blender. I guess you should try assigning your material to some simple model in Blender first (with no UVs) and see if it works.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Thank you, Yuri. I will try it.


    Hi. I try to apply a requiring UV material, created in blender, to uploaded in scene model ( with OBJLoader.js), my obj model has a UV but material not applyed this UV, how can I apply UV from .obj model ? Or I only need to calculate UV ?


    Make sure your UV name matches the UV field in the Texture node. If they don’t match your texture won’t be applied correctly.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Yes, I know about it. If I export my .obj model into Blender, it has standard UVMap layer. But UV don’t works in a Web scene.
    Also I did not find information about a UV map inside an .obj file.


    If I export my .obj model into Blender, it has standard UVMap layer. But UV don’t works in a Web scene.
    Also I did not find information about a UV map inside an .obj file.

    I think this is because Blender automatically create a UV layer named ‘UVMap’, but it is actually absent when you load the obj file directly in the engine. I’d suggest using the glTF format instead.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hi. I have a quick question.
    Can I appy material(like new v3d.MeshStandardMaterial() ) to the model with UV map, with correct unwrapp.

    I use this code

    var material2 = new v3d.MeshStandardMaterial();
    var loader = new v3d.TextureLoader();
    material2.map = loader.load(‘bake.jpg’ );
    material2.map.wrapT = v3d.RepeatWrapping;
    material2.map.wrapS = v3d.RepeatWrapping;
    material2.needsUpdate = true;

    and get a result without a UV.
    At attached image, right object with a blender material, left with a new v3d material.


    Oh, I have found a solution. All work fine. :)



    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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