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VR Mode on Cordova Apps

Home Forums Programming VR Mode on Cordova Apps

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  • #71409
    Thomas Fabini

    Is it basically possible to start VR mode on a Cordova App for Quest 2?
    I got the App running in windowed mode on the Quest 2 but the “Enter VR” Button doesn’t actually work.

    Edit: Selecting the “ENTER VR” Button on the Cordova App on Quest 2 leads to this output in the debug log:
    [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘requestSession’)”, source: https://localhost/v3d.js (1)

    Is WebXR generally a no-go with Cordova?


    • This topic was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by Thomas Fabini.

    A Cordova app is just a local mini-server running you v3d app in a cromium-based browser. VR mode requires HTTPS. So the answer is No.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

    Thomas Fabini

    As far as I understand, Cordova serves over https since version 10. So your answer is no.
    Far as I read it’s much closer to the fact that WebXR api isn’t supported, some plugins developed, abandoned…
    This feature is far too important to cast it off with a much to simple answer.
    I’d like to hear the devs opinion on this.


    Your debug log have already shown the answer :unsure: Actually only the Meta Browser works properly with WebXR apps…

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    I think we need to figure this out! We’re currently very busy preparing Verge3D 4.6, but I hope we’ll find some time to investigate this further.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Thomas Fabini

    Hi Alexander,

    thank you very much for your reply and for looking into this.
    Sure thing, 4.6 first, no rush :good: . It’s not as urgent as it is important in perspective – being able to build webxr apk’s for the oculus headsets or other platforms. I consider it a huge advantage having offline apps available to publish or sideload beside the online apps.

    I was looking into PWAs lately (for which you added increased support in 4.6) these seem to be well supported for apk building. There are examples with three.js scenes build into apk and running in VR on the Quest 2. Even Meta has guides for building apk’s for the Quest from PWAs.

    One thing i must admit, the concept of PWAs is quite new to me, i can’t really wrap my head around about the online / offline aspect of things… does an apk still need to maintain the sync to the https hosting it was build from or is it completely offline and independent?

    The process of building android apps with Cordova proved to be more difficult than the process involved building from PWAs. If they can work offline i don’t really care for the wrapper but the final result.

    Good luck with the 4.6 release!

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