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vertex parenting supported in verge?

Home Forums General Questions vertex parenting supported in verge?

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    If I make a vertex of an object parent for another object in blender scene, is it supported in Verge?
    I checked it didnt work. Is there any trick to make it work? or its not supported at all?



    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

    Thomas Fabini

    I still admire the concise nature of that answer kdv… and its ability to end discussions.

    and team: Is vertex parenting something that is maybe considered for future versions?
    Or is there maybe a way to read out the position of a single vertex in mesh?

    I’ve got the situation where I need to track the position of a vertex within a shape key morphed object. Since the interpolation between shape keys is linear, I can replicate the path of a vertex with an animated empty and use its position – but that’s one ugly workaround, and not helpful in matters of performance.


    I still admire the concise nature of that answer kdv… and its ability to end discussions.

    did you see any other one words from S8S on this issue? ))) nothing to say more if it’s absolutely not supported in three.js/v3d.js…

    If your object is not very complicated in geometry consider using bones instead of shape keys.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

    Thomas Fabini

    Also true… :)

    Yeah, I haven’t actually tested bones – it’s about the meshed rope / cable / hose and physics I asked once about – I opted for a simplified approach, shape keys instead of physics.
    It’s less fancy than physics but much more stable an controllable. (It’s still madness to set them up, but they work).

    With bones… I read bendy bones aren’t supported, that would be an awful long IK chain so that the cable bends without seeing the segments or bones. But you are right – if it works, it would solve my problems regarding parenting in an instant! I guess I’ll try that.

    See? Your answer was longer than two letters it already helped. :D


    and team: Is vertex parenting something that is maybe considered for future versions?

    Unfortunately, it’s not supported and we have no plans for that.

    Yeah, I haven’t actually tested bones

    Yes seems it’s the only solution for now except coding.

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.

    Thomas Fabini

    Unfortunately, it’s not supported and we have no plans for that.

    Hi Mikhail – thank you for clarifying this – I will try the solution with multiple bones and IK, like you and kdv suggested.

    Oh wait, hang on… I overread “coding” – is there any information available on that, or which particular part of the api can / could be used? I actually thought of retrieving the world coordinates of a specific vertex from the mesh data (allthough I don’t know if it’s worth performance-wise).


    s there any information available on that

    you can read position of any vertex from object.geometry.attributes.positionrelative to the object’s origin and calculate the world’s position. easy.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    Hey guys
    Thanks for the issue to revisit again to check if this is possible in verge or not.
    Got clarity that its not possible as of now and less chances in near future.

    However I am wondering if Blender drivers is somehow possible to include easily in verge? Any chances?

    Thomas Fabini

    you can read position of any vertex from object.geometry.attributes.position

    Nice, thanks kdv!

    Btw.: Thanks for the hint with the rig, as far as I got with testing, a rig with splineIK constraint and baked animation seems to work far better than shape keys…


    Bones can easily replace practically all shape keys )))

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

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