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Verge3D: get screen coordinate from 3D coordinates?

Home Forums Programming Verge3D: get screen coordinate from 3D coordinates?

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    Hi everyone. I’m trying to retrieve the screen coordinates of a Vector3. I’ve been playing with the vector.project method but I can’t get it to work as I’d like. Here’s the best shot I had so far:
    myVec3.project(new v3d.PerspectiveCamera("__DEFAULT_CAMERA__"))
    but it doesn’t work at all.

    If you have any idea, that’d be great!

    Many thanks.



    You should use the application’s main camera for that, it’s available from the application instance as app.camera. Also, the project method returns coordinates in range of [-1, 1]. You can convert them to screen pixels like this:

    var width = app.getWidth();
    var height = app.getHeight();
    var x = (0.5 + myVec3.x / 2) * width;
    var y = (0.5 - myVec3.y / 2) * height;

    Co-founder and lead developer at Soft8Soft.


    Thanks for your answer!

    I ended up solving my problem with v3Copy.project(getObjectByName("__DEFAULT_CAMERA__")) which is essentially the same I guess, except for performance issues. So I’ll use directly the app.camera

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