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Running V3D in an Electron App on local network

Home Forums Programming Running V3D in an Electron App on local network

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  • #48274

    I’m using an electron app to run a V3D project.
    It works properly on my computer but not on the local network of my company where I’ve got this error message:

    “Ouch! Your graphics card does not support WebGL.
    Find out how to fix it here.”

    Can you please help me to make the app running on this local Network?

    I’m using Windows 10 pro.

    The local network is based on Windows Server.

    My electron package:
    Electron v8.2.0
    Chromium v80.0.3987.158
    Node v12.13.0v8




    does this website show that WebGL is available for your system?


    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Hello and thank you for your help.
    Yes I can see a cube spining.
    Does v3d test if webGL is available on the hardware where the data is stored ? Or on the computer running the app ?
    Is there a setting that can be blocked by a local network configuration?


    Verge3D performs rendering on the client side. The scene may be loaded from a local network or from the Internet but it is rendered on the user computer. But with Electron the machine that hosts the .exe file is used. It may not support WebGL.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Thank you for your help.
    I used a tricky tips to solve my problem.
    When I lauch my Electron App on my local network, it creates a copy of a “Launcher Electron app” to the userData. It closes the 1st electron app and launches the second stored in userData. This app runs the html file stored on the local network. The WebGl is then enabled.

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