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“gltf 2.0 compatible” messed up materials – pink model shown in app

Home Forums Graphics / Blender “gltf 2.0 compatible” messed up materials – pink model shown in app

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  • #67294

    In trying to figure out why AR wasn’t opening on iOS, I found that the issue was that my materials weren’t “gltf 2.0 compatible”. So, I checked this box in Blender for all materials, but when I open the app in the app manager, the entire model is pink (you can still see the colors underneath the pink, but everything has this semi-transparent top layer of pink). I tried disabling the gltf 2.0 compatible checkbox, back to how it was before, but the model is still pink in the app and I can’t seem to change that.

    Does anyone know what I can do to solve this issue?


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