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Curve messing with objects selection

Home Forums Programming Curve messing with objects selection

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  • #71217
    David Duperron

    Hi again,
    I am struggling with a strange behaviour when trying to draw curves.
    Here is the simple demo app that show this issue:
    handling curves
    When the app loads, a curve is traced (CatmulRomCurve3) using the positions of the four visible spheres, a geometry is created and its positions are taken from this curve. And a new Line object is created using this geometry, added to the scene but not shown (object.visible = false).
    Then the behaviour is OK: when the user hover one of the spheres, it highlights, and when he clicks the gizmo is attached to it and allows to move the sphere.
    BUT, when I show the line (press G on the keyboard), the selection gets unpredictible and messy… until the curve is hidden again (H key).
    Another functionality of the app is to update the curve upon the movement of one of its definition points, which works fine as far as I can see.
    Anyone has a clue of what’s going on when the line is displayed??


    David Duperron

    Here is a capture of the associated puzzles.
    (there is also a functionality to add spheres on the plane, when pressing “n” and dblclick whith the mouse over the ground, but it does not interfere with the above I think…


    enable xRay for clicking and hovering. your curve has geometry. the raycaster takes into account geometry parameters (not only the visible shape) when detecting what object is in the front.

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

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