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Combine multiple verge files into a single app?

Home Forums General Questions Combine multiple verge files into a single app?

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    Is there a way to combine a dozen or so verge apps into a single app, I am working on a large project and it would be amazing to be able to put it all together as an app, but I am not sure how I would go about doing this.


    If you mean bringing everything from different apps’ puzzle editors into one, best way is to manage your puzzle networks within procedures as much as possible, then right click your procedures and save to library, then in your master app, load them in from your library.

    This can be tricky!

    I also long for a day when this is possible ie: saving entire “tabs” into the library and doing the above.

    Good luck!


    Not quite what I wanted, but great tip.
    I have several different body parts in different verge apps, it would be nice if there was a way that I could combine all these so I can access them from a single app, basically an overarching app that has links to all the smaller apps.
    I realized that this is not something you can do in verge 3d, is there another program that would do what I am thinking?


    Hi shawk5,

    If you just need a web page with the links to open certain applications separately then you can do that in the App Manager. You just need to create a new project, then delete all files inside it and manually create an HTML page with the links you need. After that the HTML page should be available in the App Manager.

    Co-founder and lead developer at Soft8Soft.

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