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Animating Frame Puzzle beTWEEN Two Dictionaries

Home Forums Puzzles Animating Frame Puzzle beTWEEN Two Dictionaries

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  • #23608

    btw this is the third time posting this comment.
    first time it said the post was pending review before it could be seen.
    second time, just poofed, gone.
    EDIT: … FOURTH TIME.. good thing i saved a copy!
    it’s the word beTWEEN? (without the “be”)?? i used in the title before… //shaking head///sillllyyyy.

    I’ll sum it up.

    Iv’e done this before.
    it’s similar to using the technique shown in the animation puzzles manual area, using two dictionaries to animate coordinates.
    seen here –

    I use that method a lot.
    but what I’m trying to do (and i’ve done it successfully before just can’t remember the exact specifics)

    This way is using the “animate param from ___ to ___ puzzle” with a “set animation to frame:__” puzzle within it, instead of the rotation puzzle in the manual image.

    the main dictionary has 7 keys with values from 0-100.
    the second dictionary is either all 0’s or all 100’s depending.

    how do i animate between these two using a similar method as the one in the picture above??

    got the dictionary’s variables in the slots..
    have the “updated value” puzzles in the 7 “get key” dictionary puzzle’s name slots.
    each dictionary piece in it’s own “set animation to frame:__” piece for simple trouble shooting.
    (if success somehow, i’d try to iterate just one dictionary and animation puzzle, and change up the key each round).

    also, i remember in the industrial robot arm, the sprites for the sparks are exchanged through a makeshift “grid” using the RGB and XYZ nodes in blender.
    i thought that was a great inventive use for those types of nodes as just data space to use in the way they are set up.

    is there anything in verge’s puzzles like that, where say, the RGB or XYZ position puzzles used in the between animation could be used in a manner not as intended? a hack that could make this easier?




    Sorry about troubles with the forum. We use an anti-spam plugin which worked fine before it was updated, and now it seems to be setting some posts to pending status. We’ll investigate this issue asap.

    As of tweening between dictionaries, obviously this requires 2 values between which you’d tween. So if one dictionary only has 7 keys while another got 100, only shared keys will be tweened. (if I understood you correctly)

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