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webflow form not submitting

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  • #55182

    Hey everyone!
    I was hoping that someone could shed some light into my issue.

    I wanted to add a form to my website and after watching the youtube series for blender and some experimentation i was able to style it to my needs and position correctly. Afterwards i hid the form, exported the code into the verge3d project and with the “set style display” puzzle made it show up so people can fill it and then disapear with the “get prop style” puzzle.
    Then i ran the app from the app manager. Filled up the form, clicked submitt… error submitting the form.

    this is my app with the webflow form in it:


    I tried creating a new webflow project, embed a element with the previous link and uploading to the free domain from webflow but still the same result.
    I’m able to successfully submit the form when i dont hide it in the first webflow project.

    I feel like it will be something simple.. i hope, please help!
    Many thanks to the verge team and the community!
    Rick :good:


    Hi, Webflow forms require some server logic to operate. In the forms section of the Webflow docs they recommend to use MailChimp or Zapier to handle form submissions.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Starting from Verge3D 4.7 you can also submit forms via WordPress plugin.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
    X | FB | LinkedIn

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