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text-zoom in browser lowers image quality of textures

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests text-zoom in browser lowers image quality of textures

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by kdv.
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  • #54068

    As you may see in the pictures attached, the default browser functionality of text-zoom (via CTRL+ +/ CTRL+ -) has an negative effect on the resolution of displayed images/textures.
    I tested this in FF and Chromium on Ubuntu and FF and Chrome on Win10 with Verge3D 4.0.1

    When I zoom the text 400% up like in my example, the images get very low-res.

    In my opinion, text, icons and html elements should be scalable without changing the images resolution.

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    Scaling happens on browser side not on the engine. We can nothing to do with this.

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.


    When I zoom the text 400% up like in my example, the images get very low-res.

    pressing CTRL +/- you change the pixel ratio for the whole page

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    pressing CTRL +/- you change the pixel ratio for the whole page

    Indeed, thank you for pointing this out. It leads to the idea that I could compensate the change in pixel ratio by raising the value of the screen scale …? :scratch:

    We can nothing to do with this.


    It leads to the idea that I could compensate the change in pixel ratio by raising the value of the screen scale

    Yes, you can. And that even works )))

    p.s. Many mobile devices has their own native pixel ratio different from 1…

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.

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