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- This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by
Mikhail Luzyanin.
2018-03-07 at 12:27 am #2684
CustomerI want to make a simple curved surface reflect like a mirror. The examples included with Verge3d that are like that have normal maps and textures, this doesn’t need that. It looks like the cubemap-reflect material is designed for this, but how do i set it up?
2018-03-07 at 8:10 am #2685Mikhail Luzyanin
StaffI want to make a simple curved surface reflect like a mirror. The examples included with Verge3d that are like that have normal maps and textures, this doesn’t need that. It looks like the cubemap-reflect material is designed for this, but how do i set it up?
Hi! You mean something like this ? Or you want to create a flat-like mirror?
Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.
2018-03-07 at 2:00 pm #2694kimholder
CustomerYes, i am thinking about buying the material pack. This is just a mirror surface though, it isn’t flat, but it is just a mirror. It doesn’t need that subtle texture. I wanted to check there wasn’t a much simpler way to do that.
2018-03-07 at 2:23 pm #2695Mikhail Luzyanin
StaffThis is just a mirror surface though, it isn’t flat, but it is just a mirror. It doesn’t need that subtle texture. I wanted to check there wasn’t a much simpler way to do that.
So then you can take any of this materials and delete everything except the cubemap texture and you will get a simple mirror. Or under “simpler way” you mean without cubemap? You can do the same with Verge3D PBR shader, just set mirror value to 1, but anyway you will need to add something as world texture because you will need to be reflected something in your material. I think using cubemap it’s a simpler way to create a mirror. Have you difficulties to create or use cubemap? In the material library you can find 11 cubemaps blurred for different needs or you can wait till the next week and we will release a tutorial that explain in details how easily bake a cubemap and equarectangular environment map.
Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.
2018-03-07 at 2:54 pm #2696kimholder
CustomerAh, i haven’t set up the environment yet. This shape should reflect things that are in the scene itself. So, the reflective materials don’t work that way in this?
I attached an image so you see what i mean. I know very little about the limitations of WebGL, perhaps this is something i just need to live with. The areas that are green and light blue right now should be mirrors.
2018-03-07 at 3:07 pm #2701Mikhail Luzyanin
StaffAh, i haven’t set up the environment yet. This shape should reflect things that are in the scene itself. So, the reflective materials don’t work that way in this?
Ok, I understand now. Thank you for detailed explanation.
I attached an image so you see what i mean. I know very little about the limitations of WebGL, perhaps this is something i just need to live with. The areas that are green and light blue right now should be mirrors.
Unfortunately there’s no realtime reflection now. There’s no straight restriction in WebGL to do this, but it will be slower that using cubemaps as reflection. We added realtime reflection in our TODO list for you;), but for now you can bake two cubemaps from the point of each oject to make a fake realtime refrlection:), but if objects around will be moved you will need to rebake them.
Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.
2018-03-07 at 4:21 pm #2705kimholder
CustomerWell, then i look forward to your tutorial about making cubemaps. :)
I am used to using hdri as environment maps. I don’t know how to set up the image for this system. I converted one to png and put it in the application folder for this, but it isn’t working. It is equirectangular. The included cubemap works when i try it instead.
Also, i tried using just the extended material node and putting Mirror at its maximum value, but it doesn’t work either. Are other nodes needed?
but for now you can bake two cubemaps from the point of each oject to make a fake realtime refrlection
To use cubemap_reflect instead, i’d need to bake a normal map, right? Is that what you mean? I tried looking at tutorial videos on YouTube yesterday, but they all seem different than what i’m trying to do. This isn’t a high-poly/low-poly thing. Do you know of one that explains this?
2018-03-07 at 5:59 pm #2707kimholder
CustomerOkay, i got the material pack, and got the chrome material working. However, i will need guidance on how to bake cubemaps still. I can only get it to work with the one included with the package.
2018-03-07 at 6:48 pm #2709Mikhail Luzyanin
StaffEquarectengular maps supported only as environment map, how to properly setup them you can find in one of our tutorial on our youtube chanel. There you can find how to setup a cubemap as environment. But for imitation of reflection can be used only cubemaps. A normal map is not necesery, you can connect normals of the raw objects geometry from Geometry node.
Hope you’ll like our material library and that it will be helpful. If you have any suggestion about it leave it here we are open for any feedback or proposal.
You can find already a lot of tutorials how to bake cubemaps in blender and setup them, for example This, but I think that they are not clear enough so we decide to make our own. You can folow them if want it right now or just wait one week:).
To chage cubemap in chrome material you don’t need to add additional reflection node, it’s already there inside the chrome material node group. Just open it using TAB when the node is selected and find there a cubemap and change it on your own.Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.
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