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Loading of ground reflection slow?

Home Forums Graphics / Blender Loading of ground reflection slow?

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  • #49062

    When loading my app I noticed that the ground reflection loads way later than the rest.
    It’s a simple unsubdivided plane with a a BDSF & Gradient Texture attached to it.
    The BSDF has some Metallic & Specular values, but thes pose no problems on the other parts, it shows up quick.
    There is also a light probe plane added to the ground.

    It works but its quite slow.How can I speed this up?


    how long does it take for the reflections to appear? can you share a link for us to test it out?

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I did sent the link to your info address.



    I tried that link and the reflection in the ground plane appear right away. There is an “optical illusion” that the clouds are not distinctly visible and this is may be the reason why the reflections are not noticeable.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Interesting. It takes a while here..

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