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How to forward “clicked” information from 3D to HTML html element?

Home Forums General Questions How to forward “clicked” information from 3D to HTML html element?

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    On a 3D model click I need to load up text and images from Webflow CMS collections for some client work.

    What is the best way to approach this?

    I know how to do it in webflow on an html element click, but how do I link a 3D element click to that action?


    Nobody came across this issue before?

    Isn’t it kind of standard to read/load different info from a database depending on where the user clicked?


    I guess it depends on the structure of what you want to show. On event of click on an object you can do loads of stuff with puzzles. Or even on hover for an object. You’ll need the object selector puzzles.

    Then you’ll need to determine what your event will load. Will it load up a specific div with content that you’ve pre prepared in webflow? You could then use the HTML puzzles to either display:block the div on click.

    The soft8soft channel has some good tutorials that should show you how to develop such solutions I think.


    You would have to use the ‘Send Data’ puzzle to make a request from the Webflow API, and in the ‘once ready’ slot have some way of interpreting the response using the ‘Loaded Data’ puzzle, but that is just a starting point. Frankly if you figure it out I’d love to see how you do it.


    You would have to use the ‘Send Data’ puzzle to make a request from the Webflow API, and in the ‘once ready’ slot have some way of interpreting the response using the ‘Loaded Data’ puzzle, but that is just a starting point. Frankly if you figure it out I’d love to see how you do it.

    Thanks for the reply, that’s a starting point at least. I just wish stuff like this was made easier in Verge3D instead of focusing on new features that most of us will never use.

    There is so many ideas I have for Verge3D but most of the times I just end up hitting walls and having to do a poor man’s workarounds, or just scrap the idea all together.


    When the ability to craft add-ons was implemented, I was really hoping someone would tackle this problem, but I don’t think developers see ‘how to get data from an API’ as a problem, so they don’t think to make an add-on, or even a tutorial.

    Since Soft8Soft specifically recommends Webflow for building an html ui, I’m sure more others have come across this before.

    That said, I’d be keenly interested in anything you find.

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