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How to call a V3D function from outside the iframe?

Home Forums Programming How to call a V3D function from outside the iframe?

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    How can i access Verge3D functions from the parent doc outside the Verge3D iFrame?

    I thought I could do:

     var myWebGL = document.getElementById("iFrame");
     var win = myWebGL.contentWindow;
     var object = win.app.scene.getObjectByName("Box01");

    This doesn’t work though.
    Thanks for any help.

    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk


    You can access app methods via v3d:

    var object = win.v3d.apps[0].scene.getObjectByName("Box01");

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Brill, thanks so much for the quick answer Yuri!

    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk


    Object now works but object.material is undefined.

    var object = win.v3d.apps[0].scene.getObjectByName("Load Cell Main Body FULL");
    var mat = object.material;
      // var index = mat.nodeRGBMap['RGB']; 
      // mat.nodeRGB[index] = new v3d.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1); 
      // mat.needsUpdate = true;

    I have R.G.B. values from HTML and just want to change the color node “RGB” of a Principled material whenever my color picker event fires.

    Or I could call a visual_logic.js function from outside the iFrame somehow? as that contains function setMaterialColor(matName, colName, r, g, b)

    Sorry to ask these questions, next time I will start with a code template and go from there.

    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk



    is the object “Load Cell Main Body FULL” contains multiple materials? If so, you need to check the object’s children to get yours.

    With regard to the Puzzles functions, I have good news for you. Starting from Verge3D 2.15 you can execute any Puzzles procedures right from the v3d namespace:


    or if it contains spaces:

    win.v3d.puzzles.procedures["YOUR FUNCTION NAME"]()

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
    X | FB | LinkedIn


    Ah, yes, it contains 3 materials. I will look at how to get the one I want.

    I also tried calling the new puzzle function (assuming you mean one in visual_logic.js)
    win.v3d.puzzles.procedures.setMaterialColor("Mainbody_Black", "RGB",1,0,0);
    and that gave:
    Uncaught TypeError: win.v3d.puzzles.procedures.setMaterialColor is not a function

    I am using: Verge3D 2.15.0 (WebGL 2.0)

    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk


    Got it.

    var mat = object.children[0].material;

    Not sure how to call visual_logic puzzle functions as you mentioned though.

    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk


    Anyway, I got it working using the v3d app methods and it seems nice and quick.


    3D Animation and Web3D services - www.d3pixel.co.uk


    Glad you worked it out! The app looks great! :good:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

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