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AR – Allow HTML

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    I have a working vue/verge app that will be including AR/VR features. So far, I’ve only setup AR and it works when I don’t have the “Allow HTML” option checked for the Enter AR puzzle piece. When I do have it checked, I don’t see the objects in AR for some reason; I also don’t see any HTML within AR mode.

    Tested it with and without having an <h1 /> tag somewhere on the UI. I’ve come to the conclusion that it is the actual checkbox that causes the issue and not really the HTML tag.

    I’m looking to have interactive HTML within AR if possible. Thanks for the help!

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    It’s a working feature. Allows HTML elements during the AR session

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    Thanks for the confirmation. I believe it works but not sure why it causes my indicator to never appear when a surface is detected. Also not sure why my HTML tag doesn’t appear in AR but does in the 3d environment scene


    For more context, I’m using XRViewer app with an IOS device. I’m using Vue and testing on my phone using a local network connection. When I don’t check Allow HTML it works fine but with it checked, I see the objects for a bit less than half a second and then they disappear from the screen


    Update: looks like it works for me on an Android device. On Android, I see my objects and the HTML in AR mode, but does not work for me on IOS using the xrviewer app; on ios, makes my objects disappear and no HTML shows

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