Dear friends!
In light of current events around the coronavirus disease, with many IT conferences cancelled (Facebook, GameDevConf etc), we decided to pospone the Verge3D conference until the situation improves. We are thinking to shift it to Autumn when the Blender Conference (hopefully) takes place in the Netherlands.
We stand with Verge3D users from China, Korea, Italy and other countries who are struggling with the epidemic. We hope that you all are well and in a good health.

Luckily, it is possible to work with Verge3D everywhere. There is no obstacles to move your project development to another computer, so you can continue your 3D work even if you have to stay at home or relocate. Also, internet connection is not required to activate Verge3D neither to work with it efficiently.
Please take care of yourselves!
Pray for those infected by the virus and those in susceptible areas. Take care of yourselves, all 3D Vergers!