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Verge3D 4.7.1 Maintenance Update

Home Forums Official Announcements Verge3D 4.7.1 Maintenance Update

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  • #76387


    This update introduces the possibility to transfer puzzles between different projects by simply copying and pasting them with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Before, this was only possible inside a same project. The feature can significantly speed up creating new 3D web apps on the basis of other projects such as stock Verge3D demos or your own earlier prototypes.

    Verge3D Network now outputs a clearly understood 404 error instead of a cryptic XML code when trying to get non-existing files.

    Demo apps Transparency, Custom Image and Global Illumination were updated for compatibility and re-saved with Blender 4.2.

    The list of files in Verge3D Network is now formed significantly faster which is critical for a large number of files. We also limited it by 50,000 entries to prevent the browser tab from crashing.


    Fixed bug in Blender 4.2 when Blend Mode is set to Auto which caused the material to lose transparency.

    Fixed artifacts in the Scooter demo related to texture compression.

    Fixed crash of the puzzles export to glTF and export to USDZ when using with scenes exported from older Blender versions (before 4.0).

    Fixed crash of some OSL shaders that are available in all three supported 3D modeling tools. Thank you for bringing this up on the forums.

    Fixed crash of Blender’s Noise Texture node when using WebGL 1.0.


    We updated the User Manual chapters Puzzles and Workflow, documented PzLib API in the Puzzles plugins guide, and updated older links to point to the fresh 3ds Max tutorials.

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Yuri Kovelenov.
    • This topic was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by wpadm.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    Great one ! veeeeery usefull ! My personnal library was getting full of temp## puzzles ;-)

    "1+1=3... for large values of 1"


    Finally! Great work, and thank you!


    @NaxosCG @adamabr

    You are very welcome! :good:

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    thank you for patch.
    When will it be available on https://www.npmjs.com/package/verge3d ?

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by apps.

    Great updates, especially that enabling copy pasting puzzles


    at last the long round curve has brought down to a simple copy & paste solutions!
    Long awaited efficiency tool !

    Thank you for this beautiful feature


    When will it be available on https://www.npmjs.com/package/verge3d ?

    Just published on npm!

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

    Thomas Fabini

    Hi Yuri,
    copy and paste between projects is such a life-saver… thank you for this feature.

    I have a question though, regarding the “Render Order” setting: I’ve got the feeling this setting is ignored when using 4.7.1 with a pre 4.x blender-version (3.6.x LTS, in this case).
    Might have something to do with the newly introduced transparency hacks in 4.2?

    It seems only values like zero and bigger than zero are taken into account. Transparency stacking with multiple different values (like i used with 4.6) doesn’t seem to work.


    Hi Thomas,

    Could not reproduce this issue on our side (see attach). Perhaps you could adjust this example for us so that we have something to debug.

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    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter

    Thomas Fabini

    Hi Thomas,

    Could not reproduce this issue on our side (see attach). Perhaps you could adjust this example for us so that we have something to debug.

    Thank you for your example Yuri.
    I have to apologize – I guess this got more to do with me being unable to understand transparency sorting, rather than a bug in the current version as I found out in current tests:

    I’m trying to have UI elements overlaying over objects in the scene, while same time being occluded by other objects. Maybe the render order isn’t the right tool, or setting to start with.
    Since render order on object level is one property which affects transparency in Verge3D there are all other settings on material level (especially depth write and depth test beside blend mode) which lead in combination to a lot of different results when turned on or off.

    In the attached file is an example of an icon surrounded by two rows ob blocks. The first row doesn’t occlude the icon, while the second does. It works only because the first row of blocks is removed from the depth buffer (material settings / depth write off).

    I was under the impression, that this could be achieved with the correct render order for the objects – which is the point where I’m probably wrong?

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    Works fine for me. You need just set for all cubes Pass Index 1 or more and for some cubes set the checkbox Depth Write, it’s unchecked on some of them.

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.

    Thomas Fabini

    Works fine for me. You need just set for all cubes Pass Index 1 or more and for some cubes set the checkbox Depth Write, it’s unchecked on some of them.

    Thanks for looking into this Mikhail,
    you are right – with Depth Write I’m able to control which objects are rendered above or below other objects.

    Thing is, I’ve got some mesh geometry which doesn’t work well without Depth Write, can’t uncheck it for this mesh. The cause might be geometry with a large number of zero faces, which I have been unable to repair. The object is highly complex, rigged, rebuilding it from scratch would take quite some time.

    That’s why I was looking for a solution that *might* work without Depth Write.

    Plan B is disabling Depth Test through API in situations where Icons need to overlay and setting Depth Test back on when they don’t – which works fairly well.


    Can you share the pice of broken meahs may be we can do something with it, because there is no other way to fix it instead of setting Depth Write.

    Co-founder and lead graphics specialist at Soft8Soft.

    Thomas Fabini

    Thank you a lot for taking the time to look into this…
    I’ve just sent you a .blend file with the affected mesh from our project.

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