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Something wrong with “draw line from object” puzzle.

Home Forums Puzzles Something wrong with “draw line from object” puzzle.

  • This topic has 16 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by kdv.
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    I had a few projects with annotations that worked great before Verge 3D 3.4. After this version and until the last one 3.6.1, the puzzle “draw line from object” seem to be linking correctly only to one of the objects being the lines draw to some point outside the object. Is this a bug or something must be changed in the puzzles sequence? See attached the right and wrong app and a puzzle example.

    Best Regards

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    please make sure you have updated your app for the new version (it should print 3.6.1 in the console), AND re-saved your Puzzles.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter



    please make sure you have updated your app for the new version (it should print 3.6.1 in the console), AND re-saved your Puzzles.

    Hi Yuri. Thank you so much for the answer. No luck. I’m on version 3.6.1 and things continue to be wrong. My pristine version, updated until Verge 3.2 (I guess), it is working perfectly. I can be doing something wrong while re-saving the puzzles or refreshing the app. What’s the best practice?


    No matter what I try, line does not connect as expected.
    The verge3d app is in an iframe included in a parent html page.


    Updated to the experimental 3.7 pre 1 and still has the same problem.


    In 3.7 pre 2, things get a little bit more ruined. Annotations do not appear at all and the lines are not drawn. It’s the Mac app that used to work just fine. Help please!


    Hi, unfortunately we can’t reproduce the issue on our own demos and test scenes. Can you please share your project files?

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Hi Alexander

    Thank you so much!
    The working project is this one (do not update).


    The one that does not work as expected after updates is this one


    Best Regards


    These projects helped a lot! We’re going to fix this bug ASAP. Check out the upcoming Verge3D preview build (scheduled in a few days).

    P.S: Also please note, we have changed “add HTML element” some time ago. It no longer adds “position: absolute” option to the created elements (which is required to position your hidden elements properly with “bind element”). The most straighforward way to assign this property is to add the following puzzle somewhere in your code (does not matter where).

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    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Thank you so much Alexander!
    I’ll be waiting for the fix. I’ll also try to fix the method for generate the binding, as you suggested.
    Best regards

    PS: Got the fix today with the latest 3.7 preview 3. Outstanding work! Work as expected now. Thank you so much Alexander!


    I have tested it in the 3.7 preview 3 and it doesn’t work, the lines continue to go to the right of the screen.
    What could be wrong ?



    Make sure you updated your up for 3.7 pre3 (version is printed in browser console) and resaved the Puzzles.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I’m sure for both, 3.7 pre3 and puzzle resaved.
    I have tested with my own puzzle an the one shared by rhenriques (resaved and added position:absolute css rule) and both don’t work.

    (could be very cool if the annotation puzzle could have a draw line from object build in function…)


    Like Laurent, I do not always have success by drawing correctly the line. The project shared with Alexander worked from the previous version but others “not always” work. I agree a lot with Laurent’s suggestion for having a puzzle for making an annotation that could have a draw line from a object build in function. This way we could create a few dummy neutral objects, placed in a certain annotation wanted origin, to draw a line from them quickly.
    Best regards


    Please confirm if the issue is resolved in 3.7 (verge3d for max)?
    The lines still face right side of the screen, even after adding ‘create css rule puzzle.

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