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Shape keys do not always play in correct order.

Home Forums Graphics / Blender Shape keys do not always play in correct order.

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  • #71305

    I have objects with multiple shape keys that I animate. For some reason, when exported to Verge3D, the shape keys are sometimes not in the correct order, so if I have shape keys animated in this order: 1, 2, 3, they instead play back in some random other order such as 2, 1, 3.
    If I re-order the shape keys in the menu in blender (which doesn’t change the animation in Blender, it just changes their order in the shape key menu, then it fixes it, but the more shape keys I have, the harder it is to find the “correct” order.
    I’ve tried making sure they are in alphabetical order by their name, but this does not fix it.


    Shapekeys and morph targets can be tricky as there is not a one to one relationship between the way shapekeys work in Blender and how they work effectively in V3D. In my experience there are two approaches to working with shapekeys.

    1. Key frame your animations in Blender and bake the output over the desired range of frames and use the play animation puzzle to provide the effect.


    2. create your shape key targets and then use the morph puzzles to control the animation form morph target X to morph target Y.

    Which method are you using?

    Can you share your project or puzzles?

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    Show your puzzles, show your .blend file. What answer do you expect without them? :scratch:

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    I’m not sure what you mean by “baking” a shape key animation? I create my shape keys and put keyframes on their values (see screenshot.)
    For this project, all of the animations are done in Blender and played back in sequence, so we don’t use things like morph puzzles.

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    In Blender to bake an animation choose Object Mode….select Object >Animation>Bake Action.
    Set your parameters.

    What version of Blender and what version of V3D are you using as there are some versions of each that are not compatible with each other regarding shape keys.

    Your keying of the shape keys in Blender look ok…for that single key but to help you out we would need to see how you are animating them in V3D. We need to see the puzzles.

    I would expect you are using the play animation puzzle and you are playing it over a set of frames for that object. We need to see those. It would be helpful to see the timeline…which is why KDV asked you send the blend file too.

    If you project is confidential….make up a new project using a simple cube….and then upload that to showcase the problem you are having.

    If not..all we can do is guess.

    Route 66 Digital
    Interactive Solutions - https://www.r66d.com
    Tutorials - https://www.xeons3dlab.com


    Update: I have done a bunch of testing, and I’ve found that if I create a duplicate of the ‘Basis’ shape key, put it at the top of the list, and set it to a value of 1, this fixes the issue.
    I think V3D doesn’t correctly interpret the ‘Basis’ shape, probably because it is kind of ‘special’ in that it doesn’t have a value, it’s just the basis off of which every other shape key is calculated.
    I may do some other testing and report back in the future, but for now, this is an easy workaround, especially since it doesn’t alter the way that the animations look in Blender.
    Or maybe I’ll find that this fix doesn’t always work. Time will tell.

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