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Parallax scrolling website

Home Forums General Questions Parallax scrolling website

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  • #20090

    Hello, I’m working on a site that I’d like to include a 3D scene, and I’d like to control the camera rotation/movement along a path based on how much you have scrolled the page. The 3D scene would be have position:fixed in the CSS code, so that it is always visible, and other elements in the page would move following the scrolling, but I’d like the 3D scene to rotate and move following the scrolling too.

    Any ideas/examples of how I can accomplish that? Should I create a path for the camera to include, say 100 frames, and make it move one frame at a time every time I scroll 1% in the page? How would that be done through the puzzles?

    Thank you!


    make it move one frame at a time every time I scroll

    there is a puzzle for that https://www.soft8soft.com/docs/manual/en/puzzles/Animation.html#set_animation_frame

    not sure about scrolling, probably you need to use javascript

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