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Blender 4.2 – Extension installation issue

Home Forums Graphics / Blender Blender 4.2 – Extension installation issue

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  • #76970

    I am have repeatedly followed the extension linux installation instructions for Blender 4.2
    on 2 Rocky linux machines but the extension is not seen.
    Is there anyone out there who has succeeded? Am I missing something ?
    Thank you

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    Hi, it should work if you’ve specified the path properly. Does Verge3D shown on the Add-on tab? Also make sure you’re installing Verge3D 4.7 (older versions won’t work).

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    I’m installing 4.7.1. Verge3D does not show up in the add-ons tab. Attached are screenshots of the add-on path

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by chlowden.
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    Strange! Perhaps Python is too old there. What is the version of Rocky Linux used?

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Rocky 8.10
    Name : platform-python
    Version : 3.6.8
    Release : 62.el8_10.rocky.0


    Unfortunately, the minimal Python version to run Verge3D is 3.7. The Rocky 8.10 release notes state that you have up to Python 3.12 available. Please install the recent version from the repos.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    I’m no rocky specialist but I have installed 3.12 but blender uses the system default 3.6. Changing the default 3.6 to 3.12 breaks the OS, from I can read.
    Let me try on a mac …


    It works fine on a mac … so I’m good. Thank you

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by chlowden.

    You might also install recent Blender to a directory in your home folder from the official website.

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
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    Hi @alexander-kovelenov
    I have a similar problem on Win11 after many tries. I have installed Blender 4.2.3 LTS (while 4.0 is still also installed) and Verge 4.8. I added the local repository pointing to C:\Users\name\verge3d_blender\addons\ and refreshed but the Verge extension does not appear in either the installed or available. The addons folder has two sub folders .blender.ext (which is empty) and verge3d that has 15 files and two folders. Nothing appears in the Add-ons tab either.
    Any help would be appreciated.


    Hi swatchyb,

    Is there any particular reason to not use the Verge3D Windows installer? It should do everything automatically. In your case I’d recommend cleaning everything up (delete the local repository) and run the installer.

    Chief 3D Verger | LinkedIn | Twitter


    I added the local repository pointing to C:\Users\name\verge3d_blender\addons\ and refreshed but the Verge extension does not appear

    you should change the variable ROOT_DIR inside __init__.py to make it work. smth like ROOT_DIR = 'C:\Users\name\verge3d_blender'

    Puzzles and JS coding. Fast and expensive.

    If you don’t see the meaning in something it primarily means that you just don’t see it but not the absence of the meaning at all.


    Thanks Yuri, deleting the local repository (then re-installing) was the key.

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