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Cannot read property ‘dispose’ of null

Home Forums Bug Reports and Feature Requests Cannot read property ‘dispose’ of null

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  • #29876

    I’ve got an issue creating a material on runtime. I get the error “Cannot read property ‘dispose’ of null” in the console.
    However the application is running normal and the material is also created normally. But I would like to get rid of that error.

    Maybe it has something todo with the 3.3.0 pre1 version I’m testing.

    This is the code:

    var video = loadVideo('./assets/Testvideo.mp4');
    var singleObj = getObjectByName('Testobject');
    var texture = new v3d.VideoTexture(video);    
    singleObj.material = new v3d.MeshStandardMaterial({ emissive : 0xFFFFFF, emissiveMap : texture, emissiveIntensity: 0.7});

    That’s strange. dispose happens when you’re unloading something. Are you sure these lines of code generate the error?

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
    X | FB | LinkedIn


    As soon as I got the last line for creating the material I get this error. At the moment the workaround I’m using is creating a “MeshLambertMaterial” instead of “MeshStandardMaterial”. With the lambert one there is no error, dont know why? :unsure:


    I made a simple test case based on your code, still no errors :unsure: Can you share a link to your project sources?

    Soft8Soft Tech Chief
    X | FB | LinkedIn


    I think I found the issue. I’ve upped the world cubemap res on runtime. As soon as I got the updateEnvironment in the code, I get the error with the MeshStandardMaterial.

    This is the code in the runCode()

    app.worldCubemapRes = 2048;

    This is the error log in chrome:

    v3d.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispose' of null
    at v3d.js:1
    at v3d.js:1
    at Ci.traverse (v3d.js:1)
    at zn.traverse (v3d.js:1)
    at sy._traverseSceneForEnvUpdates (v3d.js:1)
    at sy.disposeEnvironment (v3d.js:1)
    at sy.updateEnvironment (v3d.js:1)
    at runCode (test.js?ver=0.1:227)
    at test.js?ver=0.1:96
    at v3d.js:1

    I think I found the issue. I’ve upped the world cubemap res on runtime. As soon as I got the updateEnvironment in the code, I get the error with the MeshStandardMaterial.

    Thanks for investigating the issue! It will be fixed in the next verge3d update.

    Co-founder and lead developer at Soft8Soft.


    Great :good:

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