Material System Overview / Blender
Verge3D supports the following types of materials:
Eevee Materials
Eevee is Blender's real-time renderer which we recommend to use with Verge3D.

See the detailed information on supported Eevee nodes in this reference.
Cycles Materials
Cycles is Blender's raytracing renderer and can be recreated in real-time rendering engines such as Verge3D only approximately. Most Cycles nodes are interchangeable with Eevee's, so you can transfer your existing Cycles-based assets online without much hurdle.

glTF-compliant PBR Materials
These materials follow glTF 2.0 standard for physically based materials (PBR). According to this standard, material information is encoded in a set of textures: base color, occlusion-roughness-metallic packed in R, G and B channels, respectively.

In Verge3D, glTF-compliant PBR materials are represented using the Principled BSDF shader node to inputs of which PBR textures are connected.

In addition, although this is not part of the glTF 2.0 standard, you can set up world nodes to serve as environment.
Check out the glTF PBR Materials chapter for more information on how to set up glTF-compliant PBR materials.
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