

Class for loading a font in TTF/WOFF format. Returns a font info object, which can be passed to Font constructor. This uses the FileLoader internally for loading files.

This class requires opentype.js library to be loaded before you call the .load method.

Code Example

const loader = new v3d.TTFLoader(); const font = loader.load( // resource URL 'fonts/bfont.woff', // onLoad callback function(font) { // do something with the font scene.add(font); }, // onProgress callback function(xhr) { console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100) + '% loaded'); }, // onError callback function(err) { console.log('An error happened'); } );


TTFLoader(manager : LoadingManager)

manager — The loadingManager for the loader to use. Default is v3d.DefaultLoadingManager.

Creates a new TTFLoader.


See the base Loader class for common properties.


See the base Loader class for common methods.

.load(url : String, onLoad : Function, onProgress : Function, onError : Function)

url — the path or URL to the file. This can also be a Data URL.
onLoad — Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded font info object.
onProgress — Will be called while load progresses. The argument will be the XMLHttpRequest instance, which contains .total and .loaded bytes.
onError — Will be called when load errors.

Begin loading from url and pass the loaded font to onLoad.

.parse(arraybuffer : ArrayBuffer) → Object

arraybuffer — the data to parse.

Parse the data and return a font info object.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.