

Abstract base class to load generic binary textures formats (RGBE, HDR, ...). This uses the FileLoader internally for loading files, and creates a new DataTexture.


DataTextureLoader(manager : LoadingManager)

manager — The loadingManager for the loader to use. Default is v3d.DefaultLoadingManager.

Creates a new DataTextureLoader.


See the base Loader class for common properties.


See the base Loader class for common methods.

.load(url : String, onLoad : Function, onProgress : Function, onError : Function) → DataTexture

url — the path or URL to the file. This can also be a Data URL.
onLoad (optional) — Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded texture.
onProgress (optional) — Will be called while load progresses.The argument will be the ProgressEvent instance, which contains .lengthComputable, .total and .loaded. If the server does not set the Content-Length header; .total will be 0.
onError (optional) — Will be called when load errors.

Begin loading from url and pass the loaded texture to onLoad. The method also returns a new texture object which can directly be used for material creation.


For more info on how to obtain the source code of this module see this page.